Originally Posted by Adgaroth
I meant to say the game can look like BG without looking outdated

Originally Posted by Adgaroth
Show me this poll on PC gamer ''Does BG3 looks like it's a game of the BG series?'' then we can discuss numbers.

That isn't where the dispute lies. The dispute lies in if it should "like a BG game." Part of the problem has been trying to define what a "BG looks like." The clearest answer might be something like "it should look more like Pillars of Eternity" to at least bring it current. If that's what you mean, then sure, that's a fair point. In response I would say that PoE 2 and DOS2 came out six months apart; one flopped, one was a huge hit. Based on that, it should be clear on which model to follow. But even so, games in a franchise can change. The most recent God of War game played very different from the predecessors, but was a resounding success. Another problem with the BG2 to BG3 issue is the time difference. How many games in a franchise are more then twenty years apart?