Even the lead man behind PeE2 cannot say why it flopped. Graphics? Gameplay? Genre fatigue (doubtful because of DOS2 success)? Bottom line is, PoE2 was very BG2ish and it failed, so hardly a good example to follow.
Originally Posted by Adgaroth
I've only played one GoW and regardless of gameplay mechanics all the games look like part of the franchise/series to me. BG3 don't, that's where the dispute lies.
Story and setting are enough to connect BG2 and BG3. Unlike GoW and Witcher, there isn't a character that is the symbol of BG. If the central character in BG1&2 was Drizzt and BG3 had used him as well, the games would instantly be connected in the manner you described; but there isn't something like that to connect them. Gameplay and graphics/design do not need to be similar, especially so with them being so far apart.
My take on PoE2 fail is because it was a bugfest and the main story is really bad and boring,but you can take P:K instead of PoE if you want.
The story in BG3 takes place after Descent into avernus so the story doesn't connect both games,the setting does however but it's not enough,otherwise Dark Alliance and Demon Stone would have been BG3,4 and 5 for example.
Originally Posted by Rafoca
Originally Posted by Emrikol
Originally Posted by Madscientist
The seek to have the same impressive experience they had when playing BG for the first time ages ago.They are doomed to fail, because they are different people now.
This is it. The one group I would not try to satisfy are the hardcore BG1&2 fans because nothing will ever be good enough. The experience cannot be reproduced because of the missing crucial ingredient of them being who they were when they first experienced the games. The same goes for all of us, just with different games, but in all manner of things (music, movies, etc.). You can't get it back.
EXACTLY!!! I completely agree!
I felt the same with Dark Souls 2 and 3. While I think both are better than the first, I played Dark Souls 1 before all of them and I had totally different emotions.
We shouldn't dwell on past. Games are supposed to evolve.
And I am a fan of Baldurs Gate games of the old. But I think turn based suits better.
But I would definitely change the visuals a bit, to look less like a DOS3.
I think when the game releases, if larian really tries to translate D&D 5 to BG3, we will see this is not DOS3.
The first ''Dark Soul'' wich in my mind is ''Demon's soul'' and all the other 3 DS look pretty close to each other overall,I've only played Demon's souls and DS2 tho.
''But I would definitely change the visuals a bit, to look less like a DOS3.'' That's the whole point basically.