Originally Posted by AnonySimon
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by AnonySimon
Also confirmed, Warlocks regain all spell slots in between combats:

Originally Posted by Larian_NickP
Yes, they will regain all their spell slots between combat encounters.

He didn't answer another questions relating that point but, why will we take sorcerer or other spellcaster then ?
Can someone explain (not in detail of course) the differences between warlock and other spellcaster ?

A level 10 Warlock has 2 spell slots. Total. The level 10 warlock can use its spell slots to cast spells it knows of 1st - 5th level.

A level 10 Sorcerer has 15 spell slots total divided among the various spell levels. Specifically, a level 10 sorcerer has 4 1st-level slots, 3 2nd-level slots, 3 3rd-level slots, 3 4th-level slots, and 2 5th-level slots.

In other words, the Warlock has very few spell slots, but makes it up for regaining ALL spell slots after a short rest (1 hour rest). The sorcerer on the other hand has alot of spell slots, but requires a long rest (8 hours of rest) to regain them.

Thanks for the answer!

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