I'm afraid in the end being easier to map four characters on a controller is precisely why Larian may turn out to be so adamant about it.

About "turn based being slooow", I'll dismiss it as a bogus argument without any actual merit, because... Well, it doesn't have any.
As already pointed, the pacing of the combat depends on dozens of other variables far more than having six or four slots (i.e. how "snappy" and quick animations are, how long it takes for the AI to act, are the fights filled with hordes of trash mobs? Are mechanics like "swarms of weak enemies move concurrently" even in place? Can animations being skipped entirely if someone chooses to? etc, etc).

Also, If I have to be perfectly honest I'm not sure why in a thread about "let's make a good argument for" so many people are feeling this urge to tell everyone not why they don't like it, but "why Larian wouldn't do it".
It's not your job to worry about what Larian would or wouldn't do. Only to come up with arguments for or against it from your perspective.

For the record if this thread exists at all is precisely because both Swen on twitter some time ago and another Larian guy yesterday on reddit said explicitly that while this is what they are going for now, a 4-men party is NOT set in stone yet.

P.S. Gotta love the whole "You would hate a turn based system with six men" some people are attempting, by the way. No, I fucking wouldn't?
I said that I'm playing Pathfinder with the turn-based mod and loving [almost] every minute of it... And that's not even a game with encounters DESIGNED for the turn-based mode.

Last edited by Tuco; 13/03/20 07:43 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN