Girlfriend v1.0

Last year I upgraded "Girlfriend v1.0" to "Wife v1.0" and noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, "Wife v1.0" installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialization. Applications such as "Pokernight v10.3" and "Beerbash v2.5" no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected. I can not seem to purge "Wife v1.0" from my system. I am thinking about going back to "Girlfriend v1.0" but UNINSTALL does not work on this program. Can you help me?
~~A Frustrated User

Dear Frustrated User,
This is a very common problem. Many people upgrade from "Girlfriend v1.0" to "Wife v1.0" with the idea that this is merely a utilities and entertainment program. "Wife v1.0" is an operating system and designed to run everything. Do not try to reinstall the program. Trying to remove "Wife v1.0" will destroy valuable system resources. Some have tried to install "Girlfriend v2.0" or "Wife v2.0" but end up with more problems than the original system. Others have tried to run "Girlfriend v1.0" in the background, while "Wife v1.0" is running. Eventually "Wife v1.0" detects "Girlfriend v1.0" and a system conflict occurs, this can lead to a system crash. There's pretty much nothing you can do now, good luck.
~~The Computer Guy

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<