Originally Posted by Sordak

And on bows.
No CRPG does bow combat right and no CRPG ever will.
A party based video game will never come close to showing the effective range of an english longbow.

If you wanna go there, youd have to go full shadowrun where one of the players is essentialy not even on the battlemat.

Mate, what are you arguing against? I feel like some people have taken a stance to defend the game at all cost, no matter the nature of the critique. I really see the potential in BG3 and want every aspect of it to be great. That’s all. The goal is not to belittle the game, but to show opportunities for improvement.

If the game gets higher quality, more immersive animations, that’s a good thing, no? Personally I’m a player that care about the feel of combat. How it looks, how it sounds, and of course how it plays. Why should we set the bar low because it’s a CRPG? BG3 is a very ambitious, next-gen game with realistic graphics and a third person camera. It deserves animations that fits that ambition. The current animations worked fine in DOS2, but as Larian keeps reiterating, BG3 is a very different game.

We don’t need the realism of an english longbow simulates perfectly. This isn’t about realism, it’s about how things make you feel when you experience them. Does it get me excited to be a stealthy assassin that lurks in the shadows and crits baddies from afar? Currently no it doesn’t, far from it, but I hope that will change.

Last edited by Exclusif; 16/03/20 09:57 PM.