Originally Posted by Sordak

how about you lurk a bit more huh?
Ive already voiced multiple concerns about the direction of the game, i just happen to disagree with you here.

I am agains tmore "Immersive" animaitons. Ive seen games like kingdom come deliverance or mordhau.
The combat in those games feels weak, floaty and embarassing.
I prefer systems that feel like dragons dogma, systems that show a grounded world but have an effectfull combat system, even if its not realisitc.

Its one that feels right rather than looks right.
I dont trust you people with understanding the difference between realism and authenticity.
I prefer authenticity (within the bounds of the universe) to realism.

But the kind of people that complain about the exact curve of an arrow, are those kind of people that do it exclusiveley to virtue signal to others about how pure their dedication is.
so no.
Realistic animations are not a net positive. To me they are a negative because they directly subtract from my expirience as it gets less satisfying

Did you reply to the wrong person? I’m wholeheartedly confused.