Originally Posted by Sordak
Man you people are insane.

Oh no the barrels! no please no more barrels!
none of you played any of the original sin games. OS2 bareley had any barrels.
The only fight i remember having alarge ammount of barrels s the one in the Mines where.... theres barrels of oil because its next to an oil drill.

The general idea of environmental interaction is great when used well ( although shipbuilders everywhere would be alarmed if their pitch barrels behave as they do in BG3 ).
In my case ( and perhaps some others ) it's more about being clear to Larian that there may be such a thing as too much environmental interaction. In the BG3 reveal it looked like it wasn't overused.
If you want an example of what I consider overuse of barrels and puddles, revisit the NE quarter of the Cyseal map in D:OS.

Originally Posted by Sordak

you just make stuff up to be upset.
You want to remove features and constantly sperg about having a clear vision when you dont have one.

How abotu this, you go back to RPG codex, you formulate a vision that you have, and then you post it.
And it better be crystal clear.
Cause right now all i hear from you people is "I dont like X and Y". But you never postulate why, you never give any alternatives.
The other poster is wrong when he says you only answer with vague terms, you also answer with lies.

LOL : Larian Forum collective programming of the BG3 engine :
while( feature !=NULL )
  if ( feature == infinity_feature ) {
    demand_add_feature( feature ) ;
  } else if ( feature == larian_feature ) {
    demand_remove_feature ( feature ) ;
  feature = feature->next ;
As you say, this isn't particularly helpful. There are a few features of the BG1/2 experience I would prefer to the choices Larian have made, but mostly I want the game to have it's own modern voice.

Originally Posted by Sordak

You constantly make shit up.
The Diablo example is the next one.
Where do they reuse assets? Theres exactly one (1) animiton that was reused, anyhting else that was reused is UI stuff. All of it.
And those reused assets obviously are not meant to be left in.

Meanwhile a more clear argument is: a blizzard game looks like a blizzard game.
If you look at the llatest diablo, yeah, looks like a Blizzard game to me. The artstyle is overall less cartoony than WoW, but yes they still enjoy their Pauldrons and they sitll enjoy their tiny heads on large bodies and they still enjoy large weapons and they enjoy voodoo aesthetic and all that.

It doesnt have anything to do with recycled assets and eveerything to do with having an artistic style. Simmilar to how Larian has a certain style in which they do enviroments.

Reusing assets is fine anyway, if they fit the purpose. You would expect the art style will be somewhat altered for Forgotten Realms, and it already is, in my opinion, if for no other reason than the need to mesh better with the more detailed performance capture being used in BG3.

I don't think BG1/2 even had a single art style; certainly not a particularly inventive one. Much of the countryside was aiming for typical European feel, because that is the real-world equivalent of that part of Toril. Likewise, buildings often looked like medieval European buildings; castles looked like castles, dungeons looked like dungeons, and Bodhi's vampire lair looked suitably bloody and gruesome.

Some of it was pastiche, some of it was parody; certainly not uniformly dark, or indeed uniformly anything else. For example, Athkatla market was bright, eclectic, exaggerated and slightly silly, while some of the sandy beaches ( a complaint someone made about Larian style ) were so bright they were almost white.

As with the infinity engine, I think there may be a case of nostalgia spectacles with the artwork. It's perfectly valid to point out individual examples of something in BG3 that could be changed; as long as a reason why is given, and an alternative is suggested, then it may result in a better product for everyone.

Originally Posted by Sordak

>aurora engine
>more of a toolbox
exactly, thats why its better than the infinity engine.
NWN might not blow anyone away with its story, but people still play on those permanent worlds.
so yeah, id say its the better engine.

Quite. I'd take the BG story over the NWN story any day, but there isn't a single feature of the Infinity engine that is better than the Aurora engine.