Are we on picking on the blondes again?? OK!! I'll join you...

How do you hit a blonde and she will never know it....with a thought!
How can you tell a smart blonde from a dumb blonde....the smart blondes have dark roots.
Why don't blondes eat pickles...because they get their heads stuck in the jar.
Why did the blonde get fired from the M & M factory...she threw out all of the W's.
How do you make a blonde laugh on Monday...tell her a joke on Friday.
What do you call a zit on a blonde's butt...brain tumor.
Why don't blondes make kool-aid...can't fit 8 cups of water in the little packages.
What do you call a blonde with half a brain...gifted.
Why do blondes have T.G.I.F. printed on their shoes...stands for [color:"red"]T[/color]oes [color:"red"]G[/color]o [color:"red"]I[/color]n [color:"red"]F[/color]irst.
How many blondes does it take to change a tire .... 5--2 to get sodas, 2 to cry and 1 to call daddy.