Originally Posted by Maximuuus
2 things I notice in DoS 2 while starting a new game on switch I wouldn't like to sée in a BG game :

- the totally unrealistic amount of blood each time someone is killed. This would be ridiculous in a BG game.

- the incredible numbers of totally useless "decorative" items you can pick. It slows the game for nothing.

I'd like a more immersive and realistic game but if it's usefull for the gameplay...

With only those 2 elements we can imagind Larian don't really know how to work about immersion on their game.
The first one is totally arcady, the second one is way too realist for such a game and is bad for gameplay (especially on console I guess)

Could talk about inventory management and "understanding" of items due to the second point but it's something else.

I did not read everything in this thread so far but:

- Total agreement about the huge amount of "decorative" items. It slows down the game a lot. I am a completeonist and I feel bad when I leave stuff behind and I think I spend more than half of my time picking up random stuff. I was one of the reasons why I never finished the game, because I was slow as hell and went to a shop very often. The fact that shops got new random items every hour made it even worse.
Item wise, BG1+2 and PoE1+2 were enough, no need to be able to pick up everything, especially when 99% of it is useless.

- The amount of blood was not my problem. It was more the fact that most enemies bleed cursed blood, fire or acid.

- The environmental effects were too much for me.
Some form of interaction is good. I liked the BG3 video were you can push enemies or throw objects. Exploding barrels, burning oil or electric water make also sense to some degree.
But D:OS2 went way too far for my taste, when the whole map was filled with crazy effects (necrofire, electric clouds, . . .) in almost every battle.
D:OS1 was still OK ( I tried to focus on stuff that hits targets, not mess up the environment too much), but D:OS2 went too far.
A normal arrow should just deal some damage, not make the enemy bleed fire which ignites half of the screen.

- I hated the inflating numbers in D:OS.
Fortuanatly they have confirmed that they use DnD items, so no levels on items and relatively small numbers.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: