There's a guy sitting on an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean (he's the only one there. Saying this in Swedish is much easier since you only say öde ö, which more or less means empty island). He's been here for a while.
One day a women arrive, pretty good looking, and walks up to him.
She sais "hi", he looks up (he was trying to light a fire (poorlly), and didn't see her comeing), and sais "oh hi there". She sais "... well, how long have you been here then?". He replies "erm... I'm not shure... For a while." She wonders "well, ahev there been anything you've missed during all the time you've spend here?". He thinks. And thinks. And thinks a little more. She decides to help him a little: "like a nice dinner or something"? He looks a lot happier and sais "well now that you mention it!". She smiles, and walks away. After a little while she comes back with a Nice dinner (think of your favorite dish, and that's what it will be). He shines up: "Hey, that's my favorite dish! I havn't had it in ages, though..." The women gives it to him. Shye allso gives him knife and a fork, but he didn't notice that...
When he's finnished, she asks him "well, is therte anything else you've missed during al the time you've spend here?" He starts to think again. She quicklly adds "like a beer or something". He sais "well, now that you mention it..." She walks away and comes back with a beer, which he drinks. He seems to enjoy it very much.
Then she asks, now in a slightlly different tone "well, is there anything else you've missed?", while she caress him on the inside of his leg. He shines up and sais:
"Don't tell me you brought the golfclubs?"


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce