I don´t think anything useful can come out of this thread.

just 2 comments:
- I am almost surprized that nobody called computer RPGs sexist because you can only select male or female at character creation.
There were even some games were you could not select both of them for all races.

- Wow, nobody called these games racist even though you have races in them.
Well, biologically the term race could actually be true.
A species is defined as a group of lifeforms that can have fertile children together.
Races are different groups of one species that look different, like there are different races of dogs but all of them are still dogs.
In the DnD universe there are half elfs, half orcs, halflings ( whats a ling wink ) and so on. Just look at the bloodline selection for sorcerers and you can see that everyone has sex with everyone else.
So you could argue that there is only one species of intelligent creatures in the DnD univers and what we call races are indeed different races of this species.

So yeah, my mother was an elf, my grandfather a demon and one of my grand grand mothers was half celestrial and half dragon grin

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: