Originally Posted by TadasGa
Originally Posted by korotama
. However, saying that on a fundamental level they are somehow different from Republicans is extremely far-fetched and naive to me.

It's a very common idea, but if you look at voting patterns of rep vs dems, there is a very clear difference. Dem party has shitload of problems, but it's miles better than republicans. Obamacare was very flawed, but it was step into right direction, uninsusured people went from 44.3 to 28.2 mil. After trumps changes - it is projected to grow 24% by 2029. Iran deal was AMAZING, it's insane that they managed to negotiate it so favorably, it has decreased world conflict and obviously, trump fucks it up. In terms of abortion rights - republicans and especially trump is pandering to fundamentalist evangelicals (he has 75% approval rating from then), in roe vs wade overturn there is very clear distinction. In terms of ICE there is clear differencde, gun control etc etc.

No. They are not the same.

Oh, that's just fantastic. So why don't they pass a bill stipulating everyone on US soil is automatically insured? The extra hospitals, doctors, nurses, medical equipment and medicine (tons of which is made in China nowadays) you sorely need will materialize out of thin air! Woo-hoo! Now we can all die together in the waiting room. Iran deal was amazing compared to what.. Syria? Assad must go, Assad is gassing little children says the country that vaporized entire cities with nuclear bombs dropped on a nation that had already surrendered. Libya? We came, we saw, he died *cackles*! Sounds like someone who urgently needs to be committed to a mental institution. World conflict sure does seem to decrease when you stop reporting on certain subjects. Instead of preventing situations that lead to abortion, you're debating how to kill babies on the cheap? Whoa, American exceptionalism at its finest.

All Democrats do is redistribute what little wealth is left for ordinary people along tribal lines, they never tackle the source of the issue.