Originally Posted by TadasGa
he is referring that opinion I stated is somewhat simillar to what would possibly get called as a "bigoted" by overzealous sjw.

Actually, it was a reference to your post "When someone is saying please no politics it's more than likely code - "please no minorities ok ty?" "
That's why I quoted "more than likely", because you were saying 'no politics', at least for tokenism.

Originally Posted by TadasGa
You do realise what a waste of resources trumps wall is?

Apparently not enough that previous administrations stopped the maintenance and infrastructure for border security, and other countries have and are building border walls.

Originally Posted by TadasGa
Illegal immigrants are mostly people who overstay their visas.

A significant number cross the boarder on foot, as well, and multiple large caravans attempted to do so a couple years ago. It is a dangerous journey, where people are vulnerable to the elements (sometime fatal) and various kinds of abuse on the way, including a large number of unaccompanied minors. Improving border security discourages people from trying in the first place. A wall may or may not be the most cost effective deterrent, but it seems better than encouraging illegal immigration and creating a permanent underclass.

Originally Posted by TadasGa
Latest star wars trilogy script was really bad and there is more than enough good faith criticism. But there is loud crowd crying it's because of sjw. It's nonsense.

The Force is Female t-shirts and various interviews do support the claim that inserting feminist politics into the films was part of the problem, at least.

Originally Posted by TadasGa
Sucking has nothing to do with including minorities. Bad writing is just that - bad writing.

Including minorities isn't the issue. Including minorities 'because politics' is something done by ideologically motivated people who are restricted in what they can write, and therefore generally write poorly.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Believing you shouldn't just let a illegal immigrant die from lack of medical attention doesn't mean someone supports open borders

Hospitals treating illegal immigrants (which is currently already happening) does not require that they be officially given full health care coverage; the democratic candidates' health care plans would be more than just necessary treatment, because hospitals already provide that, as well as emergency care regardless of insurance coverage.