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- Tech Support: "Do you have 3 1/2 inch diskettes?"
Customer: "No, I only have 3 of them."

- Tech Support: "Tell me, is the cursor still there?"
Customer: "No, I'm alone right now."

- Tech Support: "Ok, sir, please click on the 'gateway' tab."
Customer "You do know I have a Dell, right?"

- Customer: "Right, this computer's gone all crazy. It's blinking, beeping, and doing all sorts of stuff!"
Tech Support: "What were you doing with the computer at the time?"
Customer: "I was dusting it."

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<
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<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/offtopic.gif" alt="" />
Jurak >

What's a Newfie?

I've never seen or heard of that word before.


Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
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I think it's a racial or social class slur, kind of like "redneck".

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Newfie = guy from Newfoundland, Canada.

It's the same kind of pejorative than for blonds, if you like. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

LaFille, Toujours un peu sauvage.
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HEF & LaFille >

Oh, okay. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Thank you.

Tsel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
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A Blonde Easter

Three blondes went to Heaven on the same day and showed up at the pearly gates. St. Peter looked them over and said, "Well, before you can enter the gates you have to answer one simple question, to show you know something about why you're here."

The first blonde stepped up to the gates, and St. Peter said, "Now, explain to me, what is Easter?" The woman replied, "Oh, that's easy. That's the holiday in November, when everybody gets together to give thanks, and eats turkey, and..."

"Wrong," replied St. Peter, "You'll have to wait." He turned to the second blonde and said, "What is Easter?" The second blonde replied, "I know, Easter is about Jesus. In December, when we put up a nice tree, exchange presents, and celebrate His birthday."

St. Peter shook his head in disgust at the second woman and sighed. He turned to the third blonde and said, "You look a little smarter than the other two... Now, WHAT IS EASTER?"

The third blonde smiled and said, "I know what Easter is. Easter is the Christian holiday that takes place in the spring. Jesus and his disciples were eating at the last supper, and He was deceived and turned over to the Romans by one of his disciples. Then the Romans took Him to be crucified and stabbed Him in the side, made Him wear a crown of thorns, and crucified Him. He died, and was buried in a cave sealed off by a large boulder." St. Peter smiled and nodded.

The blonde continued, "And every year the boulder is moved aside so that Jesus can come out, and if He sees His shadow there will be six more weeks of winter."

St. Peter fainted...

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<
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Easter One-Liners

Q: How do bunnies stay healthy?
A: Eggercise

Q: What do you get when you cross a chicken and the Easter Bunny?
A: A good Easter.

Q: What do you call Easter when you are hopping around?
A: Hoppy Easter!

Q: "Why are you studying your Easter candy?"
A: "I'm trying to decide which came first-the chocolate chicken or the chocolate egg!"

Q: What do you get when you find a rabbit with no hair?
A: A hairless hare!

Q: Why are people always tired in April?
A: Because they just finished a march

Merry Easter to everyone!!! [Linked Image]

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an every day one-liner:

Why don't you ever see lawyers at the beach?

The cats keep covering them up with sand!

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<
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[Linked Image] <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />

A woman was out golfing one day when she hit her ball into the woods. She went to look for it and found a frog in a trap.

The frog said to her, "If you release me from this trap, I will grant you 3 wishes."

The woman freed the frog and he said, "Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes, whatever you wish for, your husband will get 10 times more or better!"

The woman said, "That would be okay."

For her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

The frog warned her, "You do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man in the world, an Adonis, that women will flock to."

The woman replied, "That will be okay because I will be the most beautiful woman and he will only have eyes for me."

So, KAZAM! She's the most beautiful woman in the world!

For her second wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world.

The frog said, "That will make your husband the richest man in the world and he will be ten times richer than you. "

The woman said, "That will be okay because what is mine is his and what is his is mine."

So, KAZAM! she's the richest woman in the world!

The frog then inquired about her third wish, and she answered, "I'd like a mild heart attack." <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />

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This is for all the men out there! You can thank me later! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Guide to the hormone hostage
Every "Hormone Hostage" knows that there are days in the month when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his life in his hands. This is a handy guide that should be as common as a driver's license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, or significant other.

DANGEROUS: What's for dinner?
SAFER: Can I help you with dinner?
SAFEST: Where would you like to go for dinner?

DANGEROUS: Are you wearing THAT?
SAFER: Gee, you look good in brown.
SAFEST: Wow! Look at you!

DANGEROUS: What are you so worked up about?
SAFER: Could we be overreacting?
SAFEST: Here's fifty dollars.

DANGEROUS: Should you be eating that?
SAFER: You know, there are a lot of apples left.
SAFEST: Can I get you a glass of wine with that?

DANGEROUS: What did you DO all day?
SAFER: I hope you didn't overdo it today.
SAFEST: I've always loved you in that robe.

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@ Lady Sarah
Teach them girl!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

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Okay turn about is fair play. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />

Women especially love a bargain. The question of 'need' is irrelevant, so don't bother pointing it out. Anything on sale is fair game.

Women never have anything to wear. Don't question the racks of clothes in the closet; you 'just don't understand'.

Women need to cry. And they won't do it alone unless they know you can hear them.

Women will always ask questions that have no right answer, in an effort to trap you into feeling guilty.

Women love to talk. Silence intimidates them and they feel a need to fill it, even if they have nothing to say.

Women need to feel like there are people worse off than they are. That's why soap operas and Oprah Winfrey-type shows are so successful.

Women don't need sex as often as men do. This is because sex is more physical for men and more emotional for women. Just knowing that the man wants to have sex with them fulfills the emotional need.

Women hate bugs. Even the strong-willed ones need a man around when there's a spider or a wasp involved.

Women can't keep secrets. They eat away at them from the inside. And they don't view it as being untrustworthy, providing they only tell two or three people.

Women always go to public restrooms in groups. It gives them a chance to gossip.

Women can't refuse to answer a ringing phone, no matter what she's doing. It might be the lottery calling.

Women never understand why men love toys. Men understand that they wouldn't need toys if women had an 'on/off' switch.

Women think all beer is the same.

Women keep three different shampoos and two different conditioners in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rain forest.

Women don't understand the appeal of sports. Men seek entertainment that allows them to escape reality. Women seek entertainment that reminds them of how horrible things could be.

If a man goes on a seven-day trip, he'll pack five days worth of clothes and will wear some things twice; if a woman goes on a seven-day trip she'll pack 21 outfits because she doesn't know what she'll feel like wearing each day.

Women brush their hair before bed.

Watch a woman eat an ice cream cone and you'll have a pretty good idea about how she'll be in bed.

Women are never wrong. Apologizing is the man's responsibility, 'It's there in the Bible'. Hmmm, who was it that gave Adam the apple?

Women do not know anything about cars. 'Oil-stick, oil doesn't stick?'

Women have better restrooms. They get the nice chairs and red carpet. Men just get a large bowl to share.

The average number of items in a typical woman's bathroom is 437. A man would not be able to identify most of these items.

Women love to talk on the phone. A woman can visit her girlfriend for two weeks, and upon returning home, she will call the same friend and they will talk for three hours.

A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, or get the mail.

Women do NOT want an honest answer to the question, 'How do I look?'

PMS stands for: Permissible Man-Slaughter. (Or at least men think it means that. PMS also stands for Preposterous Mood Swings and Punish My Spouse.

'Oh, nothing,' has an entirely different meaning in woman-language than it does in man-language. Lewis Carroll's Caterpillar had nothing on women.

All women are overweight by definition; don't agree with them about it. Women always have 5 pounds to lose, but don't bring this up unless they really have 5 pounds to gain.

If it is not Valentines day and you see a man in a flower shop, you can probably start up a conversation by asking, 'What did you do?'

Only women understand the reason for 'guest towels' and the 'good china'.

Women want equal rights, but you rarely hear them clamoring to be let into the draft to cover the responsibilities that go with those rights. All women seek equality with men until it comes to sharing the closet, taking out the trash, and picking up the check.

If a man ticks off a woman she will often respond by getting a fuzzy toilet cover which warms their rear, but makes it impossible for the lid to stay up thus it constantly gets peed on by the guys. (which gets them in more trouble)

Women never check to see if the lid is up. They seem to prefer taking a flying butt leap towards the bowl and then chewing men out because they 'left the seat up' instead of taking two seconds and lowering it themselves.

Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting. This will get men arrested.

Men are from Mars, Women are from... somewhere else way out there.

Women don't really care about a sense of humor in a guy despite claims to the contrary. You don't see women trampling over Tom Cruise to get to Gilbert Gottfried, do you?

It's okay for women to dance with each other and not be gay. You don't see straight men dancing together.

Women will spend hours dressing up to go out, and then they'll go out and spend more time checking out other women. Men can never catch women checking out other men; women will always catch men checking out other women.

The most embarrassing thing for women is to find another woman wearing the same dress at a formal party. You don't hear men say, 'Oh-my-GOD, there's another man wearing a black tux, get me out of here!'

Tsel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" />

Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
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@LadySarah and gal.,

So you want us to lie all the time?
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Lie even more than we already do now?
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />

I guess we better live up to the old and very wise saying:
"When a woman speaks to you, just smile. Don't answer."
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shhh.gif" alt="" />

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<
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No Seth, it not a matter of telling lies, but being a bit more tactfull towards us, poor women. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

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<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" /> Poor! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />

Tsel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />

Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
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<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shhh.gif" alt="" />

That 'poor' is after they left the mall
(... and there was still such a great pair of shoes at this store, and such a nice dress at that store, and some new china -for when auntie Mabel comes to visit next week, you know- at yet another store, ... You can be sure it will all be gone tomorrow. Gee, why didn't you brought more money?)
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

~Setharmon~ >>[halfelven]<<
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Hey it's not lying if you are trying to save your own skin! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

And I'll only be poor when I get back from my vacation! I'm heading to the motherload of all malls with over 520 stores! It's so big, it has it's own gift shop of souvenirs! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Here I come baby!

Back on Topic!!

Goodbye, mother!
Walking through a supermarket, a young man noticed an old lady following him around. He ignored her for a while, but when he got to the checkout line, she got in front of him.

"Pardon me," she said. "I'm sorry if I've been staring, but you look just like me son who died recently.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the young man replied. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Well, as I'm leaving, could you just say 'Goodbye, mother!?' It would make me feel so much better." She gave him a sweet smile.

"Of course I can," the young man promised.

As she gathered her bags and left, he called out "Goodbye, mother!" just as she had requested, feeling good about her smile.

Stepping up to the counter, he saw that his total was about $100 higher than it should be. "That amount is wrong," he said. "I only have a few items!"

"Oh, your mother said that you would pay for her," explained the clerk.

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One day, mom was cleaning Junior's room and she found a bondage S&M magazine in the closet. This was highly upsetting for her.

When her husband got home, she showed it to him.

He looked at the magazine and handed it back to her without saying a word.

She finally asked him, "Well what should we do about this?"

He looked at her and said, "Well, I don't think you should spank him."

Not in the mood for cheese?
That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
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LadySarah >

That pooooooor guy.

Morbo >

Maybe that's why some kids get in trouble on purpose.

How Did Your Mom and Dad Meet?

"They were at a dance party at a friend's house.
Then they went for a drive, but their car broke down.
It was a good thing, because it gave them a chance
to find out about their values." -Lottie, nine years old

Tsel <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin
Joined: Aug 2003
Joined: Aug 2003
Phil and Jill have been married for many years, but they are now in divorce court.

The judge asks, "Phil, is it true that during the last three years of your marriage, you did not speak to Jill?"

Phil replies, "Yes, your Honor, that is correct."

"And how do you explain this unusual conduct?" the judge inquires.

Phil replies, "I didn't want to interrupt her, your Honor."

Not in the mood for cheese?
That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
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