Joined: Mar 2020
I mean that puzzle at Keara's flying fortress where you gotta find the right name for each statue. I tried to follow what the statues say but it seems she was right, they are lying. So I guess I will just try every possible combination. Hopefully I'm gonna solve it ...
Joined: Mar 2003
It is a logic puzzle, so 'lie' means saying the exact opposite of the truth. The clues they give are below, from the walkthrough. You can mindread Keara or find a note (near the first statue IIRC) to learn that they lie. -There's one statue near the entrance (1), two statues in the room to the northwest - one in the northwest corner (2), and one in the northeast corner (3) - and two statues in the room to the southwest - one on the south wall (4) and one on the west wall (5).
-Statue 1's hints: Mayhem is not in the same room as Havoc. Devastation is in the same room as Chaos.
-Statue 2's hints: I am either Devastation or Chaos. Waste is in the same room as Mayhem.
-Statue 3's hints: Mayhem is alone in his room. Havoc is in this room.
-Statue 4's hints: I am neither Chaos, nor Havoc. Chaos is neither in my room, nor in Waste's.
-Statue 5's hints: I am in the same room as Waste. I am neither Mayhem, nor Waste. Once you know they lie, just write down the clues opposite of what they say. My interpretations of the clues looked like the following: M with H. D not with C
2 not D or C. W not with M
M not alone. H not in room with statue 3
4 either C or H. C either in room with statue 4 or W
5 not with W. 5 either M or W. These are enough clues to figure out the names: From the last clue, statue 5 must be M. From the first clue (M with H), statue 4 must be H. From the second clue (2 not D or C), statue 2 must be W, since that is the only option left. From the forth clue (C either in room with statue 4 or W), statue 3 must be C this leaves statue 1 as D The solution is: The statue at the start is Devastation. In the fire room, the statue on the west wall is Mayhem, while the one on the south is Havoc. In the green room, the western statue is Waste, while the eastern one is Chaos.
Joined: Mar 2020
It is a logic puzzle, so 'lie' means saying the exact opposite of the truth. The clues they give are below, from the walkthrough. You can mindread Keara or find a note (near the first statue IIRC) to learn that they lie. For a moment I did think of doing the opposite but I read Keara's mind and picked up the note. The thing is, the note vanished as soon as I picked it up. It was neither in my inventory or at the battle tower. I just followed the spoilers, otherwise I'd have to spend the whole night trying to find the right combination, thanks.
Joined: Mar 2020
Well, I found out later that the note didn't vanish, it was my inventory the whole time  I think I didn't notice it because the icon was identical to something else I had in there. By the way, I just realized that I finished Ego Draconis. It's cool that the game automatically switches to Flames of Vengeance and keeps all the items and levels. Although I expected the battle tower to be destroyed or claimed by Damian after that ending. I got pretty pissed at the ending too which is why I saved in the Hall of Echoes Arena. I thought that I could give a different answer to Zandalor, turns out there is no other way. Oh well, time to get strong for Damian! An issue I've noticed is that the game crashes like crazy in Aleroth, dunno why so I gotta save pretty often.
Last edited by VeganCookie; 07/04/20 09:32 PM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Haha, btdt with inventory items more than once! And IRL with emails and stuff, as I discovered to my embarrassment the other day.
I guess the battle tower is a sturdy enough construction and the Black Ring's primary mode of attack was Death Fog rather than wholescale destruction; having said that, the latter seems to be more the case with Champion Harbour but it is a military installation I suppose, whereas the Battle Tower, though impregnable, has a rather ragtag skeleton crew.
The game crashing in Aleroth is worrying. It "shouldn't" do that so I have no idea why it is. Maybe Raze will know, that's more his sort of thing.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Mar 2020
The game crashing in Aleroth is worrying. It "shouldn't" do that so I have no idea why it is. Maybe Raze will know, that's more his sort of thing.
A little info that could be the problem : It started happening after I created 2 more save files. I created a save file before I enterned Hall of Echoes and a save file before going to save Ygerna. The reason being that I still had some unfinished side quests before I entered the Hall of Echoes and that maybe I would like to go back and finish them. The other one was just to see if there is a different ending. But since I am playing the expansion now I can't really tell which is the issue here, the saves or the expansion? Maybe I should remove those 2 save files from the game's folder and see if the issue is still there. EDIT : Forgot to say that the game first crashed when I reached Aleroth city and from there I tried to load back to Hall of Echoes. The crashes I get now are when I try to enter or get out of a building during the loading screen. Edit 2 : Should I choose ' Flames of Vengeance ' from the menu instead? I never chose it, basically the game switched automatically after I finished Ego Draconis.
Last edited by VeganCookie; 08/04/20 02:18 AM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
It should switch from one to the other seamlessly (well, I mean in that it'll automatically load up the bit in question). Have you tried running the developer's version? I always just use that even though I never use the cheaty bits during actual gameplay. The number of saves certainly shouldn't make a difference. Worst case it may still be possible to send one off to support for them to look at. Raze will probably look in at some point, if not I'll ping him! Edit: which I've done anyway.
Last edited by vometia; 08/04/20 03:07 AM.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Mar 2020
It should switch from one to the other seamlessly (well, I mean in that it'll automatically load up the bit in question). Have you tried running the developer's version? I always just use that even though I never use the cheaty bits during actual gameplay. The number of saves certainly shouldn't make a difference. Worst case it may still be possible to send one off to support for them to look at. Raze will probably look in at some point, if not I'll ping him! Edit: which I've done anyway. I contacted support. I haven't tried the developer's version, maybe I should check it out. Also thinking of choosing ' Flames of Vengeance ' from the menu when game starts, maybe that will make a difference, I dunno. Because maybe the game thinks I am still running through Ego Draconis? After I deleted the 2 extra save files I had no crashes for a good amount of time and then it happened in crow's nest again. Expansions tend to be buggy, there was a similar issue with Doom : Resurrection of Evil or maybe it was just me.
Last edited by VeganCookie; 08/04/20 05:33 AM.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'm surprised the save files would make a difference but I guess it could be a memory problem. I used to remember how to enable the 4GB option on the executable but I've long since forgotten...
Resurrection of Evil is another long-since-forgotten thing! Blimey, that's a blast from the past. ISTR enjoying it, I mean other than Doom 3 in general being a bit shooty and scary for my tastes, but also vaguely recall a lot of discontent. I think a lot of people wanted Doom 3 to just be an update of the original.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Mar 2003
Do you mean crash as in crash to desktop, or hanging loading screens? The latter is a known issue on newer hardware, with a few possible workarounds (as mentioned in my reply to your support email): In the Graphics options, check the 'Show Advanced options' box, then scroll down to the bottom, and just above the FPS Cap slider, enable Lockstep Mode. If that doesn't help, try the 4GB Patch to increase the amount of virtual memory that the game (or any 32 bit application) can access in 64 bit versions of Windows. One person reported that neither of those helped, but the game was fine if they disabled VSync and ran the game in XP SP3 compatibility mode (right click on a shortcut, or the divinity2.exe executable in the install folder, select Properties, and switch to the Compatibility tab). Another with the disk version of D2:ED (so no Lockstep Mode option) said it helped to enable 'Single-Core Optimized' (for the Developer's Cut, you can uncheck the multicore setting). Several people have reported that saving the game before using doors lowers the frequency of the hanging loading screen, and a couple said it always helped. One person reported that setting the game to run in a window fixed the problem. To do so, edit the file below in a text editor and change the one to a zero in Fullscreen="1". C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Profile\graphicoptions.xml The easiest way to get to that folder would probably be to copy the following into the location bar in Windows Explorer. %LocalAppData%\Divinity 2\Profile To browse there, you may need to set Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders (covers Vista through Win 10): Game Loads for ever
Joined: Mar 2020
Do you mean crash as in crash to desktop, or hanging loading screens? The latter is a known issue on newer hardware, with a few possible workarounds (as mentioned in my reply to your support email): In the Graphics options, check the 'Show Advanced options' box, then scroll down to the bottom, and just above the FPS Cap slider, enable Lockstep Mode. If that doesn't help, try the 4GB Patch to increase the amount of virtual memory that the game (or any 32 bit application) can access in 64 bit versions of Windows. One person reported that neither of those helped, but the game was fine if they disabled VSync and ran the game in XP SP3 compatibility mode (right click on a shortcut, or the divinity2.exe executable in the install folder, select Properties, and switch to the Compatibility tab). Another with the disk version of D2:ED (so no Lockstep Mode option) said it helped to enable 'Single-Core Optimized' (for the Developer's Cut, you can uncheck the multicore setting). Several people have reported that saving the game before using doors lowers the frequency of the hanging loading screen, and a couple said it always helped. One person reported that setting the game to run in a window fixed the problem. To do so, edit the file below in a text editor and change the one to a zero in Fullscreen="1". C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Profile\graphicoptions.xml The easiest way to get to that folder would probably be to copy the following into the location bar in Windows Explorer. %LocalAppData%\Divinity 2\Profile To browse there, you may need to set Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders (covers Vista through Win 10): Game Loads for everI mean crash to desktop. Basically the loading would stop for a couple of seconds and game closed. I will try the things you mentioned.