Originally Posted by Xvim
Originally Posted by Kirsebaer

5) Is the atmosphere fixed and set in stone? The game looks beautiful but it doesn't seem that frightening, and have the serious tone of Baldur's Gate. It's a development that can quickly ruin a game. [...]

The reason that I'm writing this, is that the music in the Baldur's Gate 3 game play video, didn't really strike me as being Baldur's Gate music. The colors are vivid too and it seems like a great HDR experience, but at the expense of the overall atmosphere. Perhaps I am just anxious here and worried about the final result but I really hope that we will see more dark tones in the game.

I am writing all of this while being very tired and English isn't my mother language, so I hope it's not too unreadable. Thanks if you made it this far too 😊

I wouldn't say that the atmosphere of the previous games were frightening or all that serious in tone, particularly the first half of BG1. Later parts of BG1 and BG2 did become more serious and darker. For BG1, most of the landscape was quite vibrant to help contrast the darkness of the dungeons that came later. The 'serious tone' was heavily contrasted by characters like Noober or Minsc and Boo.

I concur, maybe it´s nostalgia talking, but I do not remember BG-BG2 (Tob definitely yes) as a particularly dark and gritty game. I mean, it has some drama and dungeons but in Diablo 2 you find corpses and gore everywhere you go, in BG you find a circus when you arrive at Athkathla (which would only be dark if you have a trauma with clowns), I also remember a fair, museums and parks, lots of taverns and lots of lush dreamy forest and lake environments to explore.
Just near when your foster father was killed there is a suicidal guy that is waiting for someone to convince him not to jump, and you also have Noober, Jan Hansen, Minsc and Boo, Imoen, the guy that hits every female in the tavern in Athkathla, kobolds with the name of the three stooges, guys named as porn actors, many hilarious encounters with weird characters, one of your companions turns into a woman, etc etc so, to be honest, I´ve never felt a dark atmosphere or any seriousness in the overall game that I remember of. It was a very cool adventure game, with drama and laughs 50-50%

Originally Posted by Nobody_Special
I vote for Billy!

Kickstarter for Billy to make a comeback in the early access! weird

Last edited by _Vic_; 11/04/20 05:44 AM.