Originally Posted by korotama
Originally Posted by Emrikol
Originally Posted by kanisatha
I've been saying for a long while now that the D:OS fanbase does not have a significant overlap with the BG fanbase, so the D:OS and PoE demographics having little overlap makes complete sense to me. This is why I also say that Larian making BG3 primarily for the D:OS fanbase rather than for the BG fanbase does not make sense. And yes, the game IS being made primarily for the D:OS fanbase.

Overlap between fanbases of both games? I suspect there is a lot. Overlap between fanatics who hold one or the other to be an inviolate, sacred masterpiece? Probably not.

Apparently Sawyer and Vincke have reached the conclusion there is very little overlap. Well, between PoE and DOS at least. It makes sense but no one knows for sure how representative POE is of the BG fandom. Actually, there are a lot of unknowns here a company can ill afford.

PoE and DOS? Maybe not, considering they are basically contemporaneous. But how many fans of DOS never played or liked BG1&2? If there are many, I suspect they are mostly younger people who got into gaming anywhere from a few to many years after BG2 was released.