Originally Posted by Sordak

Which is why Dragon Age Inqusiiton couldnt compete iwth the Skyrims and the Witchers out there.

Dungeon Hack sold well on earlier 90s and was a single character RPG. Ultima Underworld and Daggerfall too.

The reason that inquisition can't compete with skyrim and witcher is not that inquisition is party based. If Skyrim had tactical pause and command to companions, it would't had any impact on their sales. The problem with inquisition is that felt like a single player wow clone. Skyrim has shallow rpg elements, you can kill the emperor and join imperial legion, but skyrim doesn't have cooldowns(except on shouts), nor bullet sponge repetitive enemies.

Other thing that skyrim has that other games doesn't has is modding support. I din't liked their implementation of """necromancy""", but i can in less than a minute, find a lot of necromancer mods that makes necromancy far more interesting. Din't liked that dragons are too easy. Deadly dragons.

Inquisition in other hands, i an forced to play with the worst iteration of necromancy ever. They just picked everything from spirit tree from origins, removed animate dead, increased the cooldowns and made it scale 100% with your weapon(despite one of initial dialog awnsers being that i don't need a staff to be deadly) and even took away blood magic to put the worst iteration of necromancy ever.

Be single or party focused doesn't impact much the game. More action oriented RPG's sells more. This is truth today and even on 90s. Diablo 1 sold far more than Ultima.

Last edited by SorcererVictor; 13/04/20 08:35 PM.