MOTB is actually the only example of a stand alone high level campaign that actually worked. but MOTB is very different from BG3 in terms of tone.(...)
HotU is also considered one of the best expansions and is from nwn1.
That said, some people enjoy low level, which is fine. But descent to Arvenus is a lv 1 to 13 module. And even on 3.5e, some class fantasies only start to be fun to play around lv 8. Example? Necromancers. Not having phantasmal killer and animate dead hurts a lot the fantasy of being a necromancer. And necros only start to truly shine when they get Finger of Death which is a tier 7 spell.
And note that 5e already reduced the power of spells by a lot
Finger of Death no longer OHKill. Only deals 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage
Create undead create far weaker mobs
Feeblemind was a 5th tier spell. Now is a 8th tier
Warlocks no longer has at will invocations
Eldritch Spear no longer exist with the 250 feet range.
Eldritch Blast no longer can deal up to 9d6 damage, only (d10+CHA mod) *4
Metamagic is sorcerer only
High tier magic usage is extremely limited, like 1/2 casts of any spell above tier 6
Stoneskin which negated the damage on 2e, gave DR 10/+5 on 3.5e, now only gives nonmagical weapon resistance.
Many buffs require concentration.
Don't get me wrong, a lv 17 warlock is still amazing. Is like having a squad of 4 crossbowman equipped with "force heavy crossbows" with unlimited ammo. But i really miss the trilling of facing a lich knowing that a finger of death can mean death and the PC being able to do the same...
D&D is a group game, played in group, so people who enjoy low level gameplay tends to form groups who also enjoy low level gameplay. 3.5e mid to high level is fun to play but is a chore to DM.
Correction some invocations are still at will, there is one that allows you to cast mage armor at will, one that allows you to cast dusguise at will, a higher level req one that allows you to cast alter self at will, one that let's you see in darkness including magical darkness at will, one that allows you to use any ritual spell which are all at will, ect..., I'll look the names up later.