Dunno, due to my avoidance of the media: I'd started reading online news again to keep abreast of developments but as is always the case I started feeling depressed and realise that they were doing nothing to dispel my ignorance of current events. In fact the news tends to make you more ignorant thanks to its torrent of dishonesty.

All I know is that he's recovered and is recuperating. Either it really has knocked him out or a doctor has had strong words with him as he hasn't returned to office and probably won't for some weeks, by accounts, so we still have The World's Dullest Man standing in for him. I suspect that was a deliberate tactic by Boris so he wasn't left with anything too "exciting" to deal with once he returns.

As for things in general, I haven't noticed a lot of change as lockdown is basically what my life is like anyway. It has been a bit of an eye-opener as to how difficult other people are finding it after less than a month.

J'aime le fromage.