Originally Posted by SorcererVictor
Only to remember. That if the game will reach Arvenus, there are strong chances that you will have to face really powerful devils like Belhifet... Even high level parties has problems with him (eg https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/38871/why-is-the-last-fight-in-iwdale-1-so-horrificly-unfair )

Solo him on IWD was a pain in the ****. IDK if on Siege of Dragonspear he is easy because i never played SoD. Even with this guy he was very tough. And yes, i an using mods because i already finished IWD/BG2 many times, but Pale Master is extremely similar to the normal sorcerer. Has some necromantic abilities that are useless VS this boss but that is it.

[Linked Image]

And honestly, that is something that i really wanna in the game. That BG3 will gonna be mod friendly.

Just like NWN2 with mods is far greater.

He was way harder in SoD. That fight in insanely unfair, if belhifet himself wasn't bad enough he also summons minions, and all of them apply Dominate or terror, which pretty much end the fight.