For me, PK was more difficult than most other RPGs.
It was the first time I have ever heard of pathfinder. One day I saw a new game on gog and people said it is the new Baldurs Gate and it is buggy as hell. I did some reading and found out that pathfinder is something like DnD3.75. I have played NWN2 (DnD 3.5) so I thought I know at least some basics and I started reading some more. When the first big DLC came out and the forums said that most bugs are fixed I started playing.
I started the game and character creation. Tons of classes, skills and feats and no idea what the game will throw at you. At least I did some reading before and I had thought of a char, a halfling with a mix of classes to have good defense and magic buffs. Good news: it had a good defense and was more tanky than my companions. Bad news: Damage was close to zero, well, it was a halfling with low strengh and no sneak attacks.
some things I do remember: (playing on normal)
- spider swarm cave: I knew I need elemental damage, weapons are useless. So every char who does not have damage spells gets alchemist flasks. After many tries I made it, the flasks did more damage to my party than to the spiders.
OK, now I know I need protection from poison and fire, it feels still strange to throw bombs at my own feed, the cave is so small that its hard to evade them.
- First encounter with the tech league on the world map. My lv2 party against several enemies of higher level, no chance to positioning or pre buffing. It took endless tries until finally the god of random numbers was with me. I thought the devs are really obsessed with torturing the player.
- Owlbears, more strengh than an ancient dragon and several attacks per round. I thought the devs must be nuts giving a normal animal much higher stats than the boss of this chapter. Enemy stats looked quite inflated in general.
- Things got easier over time, but at some point I switched from normal to story mode. I have limited time for playing and reloading some battles endless times is frustrating.
- There was the cave with the dragon near the house at the end of time and the quest were you have to defend a dragon from hordes of devils that were quite hard, but I made it because playing on story mode. OK, these things were optional.
- Than came the house at the end of time. I am happy that I read a guide before. So at least I knew that I will face tons of enemies who will perma stunn your party unless you have blind fight or freedom of movement. Those enemies also summon reenforcement all the time. And it very easy to get lost in the house unless you use a guide. There are 2 worlds that look the same and you have no indicator in which one you are.
- Then comes the final chapter. You get cursed and have a huge miss chance on everything. Once you get your strengh back you go to your palace. At one point you get attacked by 3 large waves of wild hunt comming from all directions. I made it, but even on story mode it was frustrating and took forever.
- I have beaten the final boss, but I missed the secret ending because I did not get some info from previous bosses.

It will probably feel easier when I play it again, but I still have huge respect before this game.
No, I have never played any dark souls game. I will not start a game that is famous for being very hard because I lack masochism.
I like RPGs because of story, characters and setting, not because I seek the ultimate challenge. I have no need to play the game on anything higher than normal.
Since BG3 will be my first DnD 5E game ever, I will probably start on normal, but I will change to story mode too if things get too hard.

PS: It feels a bit strange when somebody who runs marathons and even longer races says "I lack masochism."
When running its just me vs myself. I know it will be over in 4h and nobody is trying to stop me. All I have to do is taking one step after the other.
When I play a game and I die a dozen times at the same enemy it is just frustrating.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: