>coop ruins your game has yet to disproven
I guess baldurs gate 1 and 2 were shit then.
>means next to nothing
to you.
speak for yourself.

Thats the fault of 5e for beeing a shit system.
Good systems dont have autoattacking.
Also, on high level, youll have just the same ammount of auto attacking from the majority of your characters.

Thankfully, Larian is alleviating those problems by things like making shove or disengage a bonus aciton. Giving you more options.
this is not a "high or low" level rpoblem, its a problem about 5e beeing a system designed for the lowest common denominator and almost exclusiveley around dice rolls
for fucks sake that game doenst even have rules for flanking.

And yes the impact of level 10 to 13 might not be as impactfull between level 1 and 10, but thats also probably why that level range was chosen.

I fail to see whats the problem with the level range.
Theres no benefit to having more levels.

WHeres the difference between 100 hours from level 1 to 10 or 100 hours from 10 to 20?
Is the game less fun because your numbers are lower?

What i think this is about is wizard wank.
Its about those spell slots, because thats the actual difference between level 10 and level 20. The further you get, the more all powerfull casters get.