Well i dont know where else to put it. maybe it warrants its own thread.
There is one concern i have with BG3 that goes beyond any others. And tis the writing.
not about how "dark" it is. But there were a few red flags to me already, and now someone on an anonymous image board dug up the Twitter handles of a few of the writers for BG3 and quite frankly, im starting to get concerned.
From Pronouns in the Twitter Bio to the Cuckold story with the Gith, im starting to feel the California vibes from BG3. Dont go there.
This is what killed Siege of Dragonspear. This is why your competitor, Beamdog, crashed and burned. This is why Mass Effect Andromeda crashed and burned. This is why Pillars of Eternity crashed and burned.
I know that with WOTC , especialy with Crawford, youll have those elements. But note. California is not your audience. California is not representative of any majority opinion outside of upper class california.
I might make a thread about this if i see this trend continue. I like Larian specifically because it has its own kind of Humor. Its decisiveley European. It reminds me of tin tin comics the Heavy Metal Magazine. When Dragon Commander came out, i remember the shitshow that was the commentary on it. I distinctiveley remember Sven laughing and saying yeah its a game for boys. That honesty was amazing to me. you just make what you want without a care. I understand that more money is on the line now. But toeing the line isnt how you make money in this industry, and you saw it with your competitors that failed because they tried to do that.
Remind yourself of what Larian has dealt with in the past. Remember when Original Sin 1s Cover art was censored. Remember when one of the Artists working on Original Sin mad e a Blog post on Deviantart i think defending Human Sexuality in Video games.
Remind yourself of those things. Do not cave to California. Do not cave to people who do not buy video games. I see that youve listened to the feedback of oldschool CRPG fans when it comes to past tense Dialogue.
I think if theres one thing that oldschool CRPG Fans and Tactical SRPG can agree on, then it is that Games are better when they are a labour of love. Not one of Ideology.