I disagree with you breakign down my entire point to Romance options.
This is not what my post is about. its about deliberate california pandering. This doesnt just include romance options, they are only part of it, and in that t is how they are handled. Its about the values that the story is constructed upon and it is about ideological descisions made where Artistic descision should be made.
When Character design isnt decided by an artist, but by an activist, problems arise. And exactl ythis has been shown in many areas in western games design. Female character become increasingly more puddy faced, pixie haired and obese (look at some recent Magic the Gathering art for reference)
As for the romacne thing since you insist on it: what larian is doing is the lazy and quite frankly a bit cowardly way of doing it. Instead of adressign anyhting, they just weasel around it. Its less detailed writing, takes the characters personality less into account. However, i admit that it is accurate to Forgotten Realms. So ill give it a pass.
Forgotten realms is, afterall, about Bisexuals having sex constantly. But my point wasnt about the way romance pairings are done in the game.
As for the specific example given: Its , yet again, a matter of tone and a matter of context. Baldurs gate was quite famous for a well loved female character throwing her sluttyness into the PCs face. Lets say i quite frankly dont have the trust, given other circumstances in the industry, that this example is done for Interpersonal drama reasons (or to convey personal insecurities and trust issues)