I would probably be considered the epitome of the 'gamer' this tweet, or whatever it is, is talking about; a white, Christian, conservative male. While I consider myself 'devout' as a Christian and anti-socialist as a conservative...i can say with 100% honesty that it would be a boring and dry game indeed if there was only white, male humans in the game. Faerun is not the real world and does not follow the racial proportions of real nations (like the US being over 70% white). I hope to see lots of racial diversity that breathe life and culture into the game. Creating just as many strong, lead women is not 'politics' unless it was made specifically to be that...even then, with good story telling they could hide that, easily. Hairstyles? that's about the stupidest comment i've ever read, the author is a neanderthal. For sexuality, again, it all comes down to the writing. This is not the real world and I don't expect it to follow any norms or standards..but I do expect good writing and not obvious pandering. "Look LGBTQ+ community, look! We added people like you! Look! Look!" That is pandering. I have seen plenty of non-straight characters in video games that had great story-telling and it just fit. It's obvious when a company is just trying to be politically correct versus when they care about good writing and good stories; it's rare that you get both pandering and good writing and character development. I hope to see great story-telling here, even if I don't personally play through any non-straight story lines. Body types? Again, really? Wtf is normative? and what is a political body type?
If you write good stories with believable characters that fit the world you are building a game in (in this instance its Faerun), no one, besides a select few, are going to care about any of the things in that ridiculous post. It's a video game.