I agree; diversity hasn't really ever been the problem...at least not in recent years. Pandering diversity for a statistic, however, just makes for bad, forced, story-lines and character arcs. A D&D example; it was applauded when the 5E first released to have a black female as the human race picture and a black male as the fighter picture in the PHB. Personally, it doesn't feel forced as they both, IMO, fit the setting artistically and are just well done. I'm sure if you search the bowels of reddit you'll find someone that had a problem with them...but I've never seen anyone give any grief over it which says a lot, actually, since WoTC is an openly left-wing company with a very large right-wing fan base because, for the most part, they do a good job at continuing the legacy of D&D and not forcing anything in-game just to win over a minority while still allowing the freedom for any minority to also play how they wish.