i did. does that cancel out the opinion of everyone else? And does it not change the role of the story?
Well only if you do not care about internal consistency. Not all stories are abstract theatre plays, some of us understadn this. Some of us are interrested in history, anthropology or just culture in general. And those of us that are, are taken out of the expirience by that. Some of us also note the intention of those that made those pieces of media.
"But why", you ask.
That is, _Vic_, what your argument boils down to. "Why bother".
Please note this, this is an important point here. "It doesnt matter to the story", by which you want to say "Why get upset if it doesnt change the product".
To that i reply to you. "Then why make the change in the first place" Why not make the protagonist of the Dark Tower look like the Stereotypical western Hero he was discribed as in the Books. Why not NOT do those changes. Afterall, it doesnt CHANGE the product according to you?
Why bow to one TASTE and not the other?
And thats just coming from your end. Not for me, since i care about the background of stories. I ofthen find them more compelling than the sotry themselves. So no. The background is only important if you do not care about it. But thats not an argument. Thats like saying i dont care about a Video games soundtrack because im Deaf. Sorry to hear that, but i can hear and id rather not have the soundtrack of my Fantasy RPG be directed by Sido the German cringe rapper.