ive given the example of DAI so im gonna bring it again: why does it bother me that theres "Black people" in DAI and it doesnt bother me that theres Redguards ins skyrim? Because one of those has context and the other one doesnt. In Dragon age. roughly 50% of all random NPCs are black. By which i mean "African american" (rather than african) This is not explained in any way. There is no migration wave from anohter country, theres no ethnic group that has a distinct name, or another way of speaking. They are just simply the same people who live in a place that looks like its a Pastiche of Iceland and Englnad (Ferelden specifically) who are, for no reason, Black.
Meanwhile Redguards in Skyrim make sense. They share a border, they had the war of bendr'mahk going on, one of their cities was split Berlin style for a while. Theres context there, there arises Worldbuilding in story from that.
Meanwhile in Dragon Age it just takes you out of the expirience, it makes no sense and its obviously done to appeal to the progressive american audience who just want, for no in univese reason at all, the racial makeup of American big cities to be represented in a medieval fantasy setting.
Same thing with Wticher. Remembr when games journalists sperged out because there was no ethnic minorities in witcher? Which in itself is an americanism, theres also no italians in Witcher (besides that one nilfgaardian guy i guess), most of the people looked distinctiveley slavic, a nuance that passes by the average american obviously. Then they actually had a darker skinned guy in the DLC because, big surpruse, he was supposed to be from a foreign country. Which is how you do those things. And no other way is valid as far as im concerned.
>Accent That too matters. it pisses me of when something is set in a particular place but the accents are all over the place. It takes me out of the expirience. If id have gotten a euro for every time i heard someone complian that the Spanish characters in a movie speak with a mexican accent id be a rich man.
These things matter. You just have to pay attention, its obvious that you dont pay attention to every one of those details, but that doesnt mean that there isn someone out there that does.