Originally Posted by Sordak
> If id have gotten a euro for every time i heard someone complian that the Spanish characters in a movie speak with a mexican accent id be a rich man.

I an not Spanish native speaker. Argentine Spanish i can understand easily, had ski lessons on my last vacation on Bariloche with a Spanish speaking instructor, Spain Spanish too, is easy for me to understand. Watched ElitE series in original Spanish audio. But Mexican Spanish by some unknown reason, i can't understand.

Originally Posted by _Vic_
What I cannot fathom is why is such a big deal when you change the colour of the skin of the character, the sexual option or the gender and not when you change eye colour, hairstyle or the accent.

Race is not just skin color. Africans with albinism doesn't look white. People try to impose that every game should have the same demographics of New York, even when the game is historical. Eg : Kingdom Come Deliverance got criticized by the lack of diversity. And with Cyberpunk 2077, they included Haitians and other Black groups and ... Got criticized. Note that the creator of cyberpunk TTRPG is Mike Pondsmith. A black dude.

Racial tensions between whites and blacks are a thing which happens mostly on Americas, on other parts of the world, the culture, in group conflicts and history are completely different. When i mean Americas, i don't mean only US which had even a civil war due slavery. Haiti had the biggest slave revolution of the history, Brazil got like 20x more slaves than US and when the Princess Isabel ended slavery, the royal family suffered a coup and lost the power. On Argentina, they got send in front lines without firearms and so on. I don't mind "inclusivity" when it adds more stuff, not take out stuff and they don't wanna export conflicts to all over the world...

i mean by taking out options is Dragon Age Inquisition. No more brothels, the straight male romance option is just a ultra masculine woman and that is it. And taking out options is not a bad thing just on "diversity/wokeness"... Baldur's Gate 2 had around 300 spells. Dragon Age Origins, around 100. Dragon Age Inquisition, around 20. And only wish on BG2 could do more stuff than all DA:I spells. Elder Scrolls Morrowind had a lot of spell effects and weapons which got removed from further games. Skyrim lacks polearms, levitation, mark/recall, interventions, spell making, etc.

PS : Monotheism on Forgotten realms makes no sense.

PS 2 : Trans guys in a world where people can assume dragon forms and even cast reincarnation makes no sense either.

Last edited by SorcererVictor; 16/06/20 09:30 AM.