TL;DR -- politics are everywhere in video games, your politics determine whether you see that and what you see.
Bingo. Every single person has their own inherent beliefs, biases, and blind spots. The things people create tend to have those beliefs and biases implemented, even if only on a subconscious level. It's only really something the player notices when it conflicts with their own beliefs, biases and blind spots. Just about any game with a plot contains a "political" message, it's just harder to notice if it's one aligned with your own beliefs and biases, because that seems "normal" to you, and is thus invisible.
It's not just that. It's very noticeable when it's being forced in but doesn't actually add anything to the game, and then its highlighted in the marketing.
"I used my last magic poo to check in on my daughter." Scanlan Shorthalt.