I´ll not be too worried about it.

In the previous gameplay footage, two level-1 characters beat an encounter with three intellect devourers so I think the tadpole in your head gives you an advantage or the enemies are toned down to be an equal to your low-level characters.
The intellect devourers are CR7 creatures, and widely known as party-killers. It was strange when I found out they can be killed with a boot. Gotta try that next time.
Now seriously, in the gameplay the Intellect devourers did not use some of their signature moves, they just attack so I think we´ll find enemies modified and balanced to match our low-level party.

There also options for low level creatures in the underdark too, but after watching the gameplay footage I do not think that´s what Larian aims. Anyway, some low-level monsters could be found to use it in settings like Menzobarranzan, etc.

Flumph (cr 1/8, mm 135); easy, 25 xp
Giant Rat (cr 1/8, mm 327); deadly, 50 xp
Wretched Sorrowsworn (cr 1/4, mtf 233); hard, 50 xp
Derro (cr 1/4, mtf 158); hard, 50 xp
Flumph (cr 1/8, mm 135); easy, 25 xp
Wretched Sorrowsworn (cr 1/4, mtf 233); hard, 50 xp
Goblin (cr 1/4, mm 166); hard, 50 xp
Xvart (cr 1/8, vgm 200) and 1 x Giant Rat (cr 1/8, mm 327); deadly, 50 xp
Grimlock (cr 1/4, mm 175); hard, 50 xp
Flumph (cr 1/8, mm 135); easy, 25 xp
Kobold Dragonshield (cr 1, vgm 165) and 2 x Kobold (cr 1/8, mm 195); deadly, 250 xp
Skulk (cr 1/2, mtf 227); easy, 100 xp
Minotaur Skeleton (cr 2, mm 273); medium, 450 xp
Kuo-toa Whip (cr 1, mm 200) and 1 x Kuo-toa (cr 1/4, mm 199); medium, 250 xp
Shadow (cr 1/2, mm 269); easy, 100 xp
Quaggoth (cr 2, mm 256); medium, 450 xp
Kobold Scale Sorcerer (cr 1, vgm 167) and 2 x Kobold (cr 1/8, mm 195); deadly, 250 xp
Piercer (cr 1/2, mm 252); hard, 200 xp
Firenewt Warlock of Imix (cr 1, vgm 143)

Last edited by _Vic_; 17/06/20 03:52 AM.