KillerRabbit: >This only seems jarring because it conflicts with your politics. How so? It clashes with any in universe continuity. >How many redheads did you count 1 dwarf i think. But thats besides the point. You want to construct a trap for me here and go "A HA! See? you only see X". Bullshit. Theres redheads among pretty much any european ethnicity. Redheads living among non redhead european looking people doensnt need to be explained. Meanwhile half the population of a northern european country with no big migration movements do need to be explained. Maybe you live somewhere else but i can for a fact tell you that i do not know a single african looking person born from a european family. meanwhile i got redheads in my personal (usualy pretty dark haired) family. Youre making a false equivalence.
> We've lost our ability to make the distinctions that seem so important to parts of the European right. ah of course. And now youre conflating shit.
No, despite what you americans get taught, not all "white" people look the same. theres no such thing as "white" people. Theres caucasians, which is a pretty damn broad definition including anyhting from Finns to Arabians, even tuareg are caucasians IIRC. Are you gonna say those groups tend to look alike? So is it then unfeasable for you to make other distinctiosn between groups?
>Politics are everywhere and so is internal consistency. When Frank Herbert wrote about the Fremen of dune, he didnt just put Arabian tribes in space for no reason, simply because he liked Lawrence of Arabia. He invented the population first, he came up with their variation of a faith and how it spread throughout the pre machine wars galaxy. Because any good science fiction and fantasy writer knows that his setting has to be internally consistent.
But yes, you are right in identifying that Dragon Age is a political setting and it includes nonsensical elements for the sake of making a political point. So essentielly you agree with me, but you dont want to because you dont like the politics you assume i hold. Congratulations.