>politics are inevitable
To a point.
unconscious biases are inevitable. Political messages are. Setting descisions based on political messages doubly so.
That comes from someone who has deliberatley put political questions into his campaigns on one hand, but also made sure that it doesnt permeate the entire thing on purpose. Its escapism afterall.

>race is a social construct.
definitly gonna disagree there as you predicted. If you dig up bones of a person, you can determine their ethnicity up to a point. some ehtnicities are of course more simmilar to one another genetically than tohers and thus their phenotypes are harder to distinguish.
Id say Ethnicity is a social construct, Nationality is a social construct. Race,or more accuratley Phenotype is not a social construct but a biological reality.
I dont personally care about the Etymology of the word "caucasian". its a term thats used to refer to a certain Phenotype. Americans call it "white", which is a pretty dumb word to use if you ask me.
My point was that it is a very broad definition and in a continent like europe one thats not even as usefull as "brown haired".

>Making your point for you
so youre arguing thats a good thing? Id say it makes you not see nuance.
Its like how Russians see more shades of blue than non russian speakers. Id personally love to see more shades of blue.
Id Also wouldnt turn that into a moral judgement because Americans certainly are more Race obsessed than Europeans are, and if youre gonna disagree with me then id like you to turn on your TV right now.

Ive heard from multiple people of eastern european descent that Witcher is the only video game theyve ever played that had people that looked like them.
Somehow id figure representation mattered to some degree to you, or why else would you argue in favor of a game where half the people are african american fo rno reason?

btu that goes beyond my point anyway. Thats another discussion:
my point is, internal consistency is important.

Your arugment is that you are IN FAVOR of NOT doign Internal cosnsitency.
Your mistake is that you think ia m IN FAVOR of it because o my Politics.
I am not.
When the next Elderscrolls game takes palce in Hammerfell, like it probably will, i damn well hope that the majority of people we see there are Redguards and look like Redguards, aka something between Central AFricans and Northern Africans.
Not because "my politics", but because thats immersive to me. It acts on the same logic as the real world does.

>Women equality in Faerun
Its a fantasy world and Biology works differently. Contraception exists wideley, Women are not physically weaker than men in Faerun, Bisexuality is the norm (now you can argue nature vs nuture with me, but i dont think youll wanna go there)
So no, the argument is biological not cultural.
And yes, it dos go against my immersion. I perosnally think that a world built on the ideas of a sex obsessed hippie does not make for an easy palce to immerse myself in.

But that entire paragraph couldnt have been loaded any more. What are you getting at here?
I know exatly why i care about some things and not about other.
I care about Aesthetics first and foremost. And in aestheitcs i like things that make sense within that aesthetic.

>Good example of right wing politics
And its also pretty good.
just like Tolkien :^)