Originally Posted by Nobody_Special
Wizards of the Coast had a complete campaign that took place in the Underdark with characters starting at level one.


So I am sure Larian can Descend into the Underdark for some low-level encounters.

quoting from WoTC "A Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 1–15"

I din't read the module but i believe that you will be spending most of low level times on Upperdark and will not even see the Lowerdark...

Originally Posted by _Vic_
In the previous gameplay footage, two level-1 characters beat an encounter with three intellect devourers so I think the tadpole in your head gives you an advantage or the enemies are toned down to be an equal to your low-level characters.
The intellect devourers are CR7 creatures, and widely known as party-killers. It was strange when I found out they can be killed with a boot. Gotta try that next time.
Now seriously, in the gameplay the Intellect devourers did not use some of their signature moves, they just attack so I think we´ll find enemies modified and balanced to match our low-level party.

There also options for low level creatures in the underdark too, but after watching the gameplay footage I do not think that´s what Larian aims. Anyway, some low-level monsters could be found to use it in settings like Menzobarranzan, etc.

My guess is that or Larian will nerf the enemies completely or you will only stay on upperdark.