Originally Posted by SorcererVictor
Originally Posted by Dragon_Master
Why is it that when people talk about writing, narrative consistency and cultural setting that somehow it MUST mean that the speaker is right wing in their politics?

No. The most iconic example is BioShock. BioShock is a criticism against Ayn Rand ideas and BioShock infinity a criticism about conservatism.

Drow society on CRPG's are interesting exactly because they are matriarcal.

Okay.....what does that have to do with anything I said about whether or not things in the game make sense for that game's world? If it's in there to act as criticism of any modern social or political issues but does or does not make sense in the setting of the game itself makes it forced into the game for a social or political narrative and not to enhance the game.

It doesn't matter to me if things are in the game, only if they make sense that they are there in the game's setting.

As a side note, yes, the Drow are very interesting, most of this post was not in response to that and I honestly don't mind if the power dynamic of men and women....who can live for near 1000 years, with a society built on political deeds and backstabbing as they worship the Spider Queen, governed by women, looks overall. That'll be a fascinating thing to explore.

EDIT: And yes, that was an egregious example in Bioshock, as you pointed out. Sorry, misread your post then read it properly when I posted. Oops on my part.

Last edited by Dragon_Master; 17/06/20 10:05 PM.

"I used my last magic poo to check in on my daughter." Scanlan Shorthalt.