>women warriors
you mean the one that turned out to be a man?
im not even disputing that there were any at all.
but there damn well werent alot of them. The most credible source beeing scythians.

point is, for a medieval european setting theyd be an outlier
>boudica kicked ass
She was a leader, we know as much.

>non political is political in disguise
only if you ascribe politics to other people.
Turns out not everyone is a raging ideologue.

Especialy when it comes to Kingdom Come which was supposed to be historically accurate.

>Evolution in Faerun
Humans come from earth. Literaly. Forgotten Realms lore is stupid.

What it comes down to Killer Rabbit is that you accuse everyone else of beeing as political as you are.
Even if that were the case, you basically run out of arguments in favor of your position.

If everything is political. Then why would i accept yours? Why would i not favor mine?
You basically just admitted my entire concern with this topic. You just bring up the excuse of "Everything is political", which ok, just strengthens my point that Californian Politics should probably stay out of this bloody game.
Especialy consdiering the ongoing Trainwreck that is the Last of us 2, just proving yet again that these politics make for bad storytelling.

>FR is a high fantasy setting
And some things suspend the disbelief more than others.
A Dragon is less realistic than an Apache attack helicopter.
Yet one of them is at home in a quasi medieval fantasy setting , one isnt.