Originally Posted by Gregorovitch
Nobody knows whether Bioware put that exploit in deliberately or not, they've never said. But equally they've never "fixed" it. Should you use it? Definitely not, it's game breaking. Would you use it? Probably if you knew about it. It's extremely hard not to. But it breaks the game, the game was not balanced for your characters to have all that uber-gear, just two or three pieces. Use that exploit and your game is degraded.

So no, with respect I totally disagree with your position on this. Firaxis prevent save scumming individual shots in XCOM for a good reason. It is dead right that they do. It makes XCOM much better for most players. It's the right way to go.

So my game is "broken." My game is "degraded." So what? Did it happen to your game? No it didn't. It happened to my game. MY game. And what happens to MY game is none of your business. I'm sure next you'll be saying you need to come into my house to check up on me and make sure I'm playing my game the way you think I should be playing it.

This is not a question on which there are equally valid differing points of view. There is only one valid pov: people should be able to play THEIR game THEIR way. To say otherwise is you trying to deny me my right to play my game my way, and that is the very definition of tyranny and oppression.