I do not know if it´s really that surreal and unrealistic.

I mean, the entire Inca´s religious beliefs were based on human sacrifices of the lower caste. They even have the Capacocha, where even noble families sacrifice his children because they were the best and pure.

The Karankawa and the Aztecs were known to practice cannibalism: warriors would eat a strip of flesh from enemies they had slain in combat. That was a symbol of status.

Nazi´s dream was the glorification of the pure Arian race and purge the other races and minorities. With gas chambers. In bulk.

The millenary Indian "Thug" cult trained his family members to practice the Tuggee: Strangling people for money. They even adopted the children of his victims so they became thugs.

It´s not so strange the existence of entire civilizations that has "evil" practices that are tolerated and even encouraged by their society or social group in the real world.
It would be weird if there is not in a fantasy world.

You do not even have to search much about their motivations: The ethical and moral values of their society are what could be considered "Evil" by the standards of most other communities.

Last edited by _Vic_; 27/06/20 05:50 PM.