Originally Posted by Valerie
The Drow are much closer to what you describe as an evil society, however, I have an issue even with that, because I have a hard time seeing a society built on making everyone as miserable as possible survive long term without frequent revolutions, without everyone being inherently evil and predisposed to violence.

Just because I love drow...There is a government-like body made up of the matron mothers of the top 9 houses of the city. They meet to ensure the needs of the overall city are met; economic, safety, etc. There are revolutions, constantly, where houses quietly destroy other houses to improve their ranking in the city. It is a controlled kind of chaos but all attacks and actions are directed by Lolth, who clearly loves chaos but also wants/needs her drow to survive to continue worshiping her. So there is enough order to keep individuals and houses in-line enough to ensure survival...while chaos is the underlying belly of the beast. Since R.A. Salvatore's books are considered lore, drow are not born inherently evil or predisposed to violence but children are raised by females and that is the issue if you know anything about drow society in Faerun.