You realize that the "Undead invsaion" isnt meant to be the super existing bit about game of thrones right?
The entire point is that the "Undead invasion" sets the plot in motion.

Its about the Humans not cooperating. The undead invasion is the background threat.

Simmilar to how the Orcs are the big threat in LOTR.
They are not the players nt he field of poltiics and diplomacy, they are the natural desaster about to strike.

By your logic you cannot use any humanoid creature as a stand in for evil to create a better story.
well to that i say NO

>the creator of drizzt
Well yeah, he clearly knows what hes talking about. Drizzt is the modern hamlet.

If someones prime achievement is ruining the "good dark elf" trope forever, then im not gonna take his advice on how to write evil races seriously.