Hoping Larian has been given artistic freedom of the "Woketards" of the Coast not to ham-fist insert immersion breaking present day politics into the game. If companions are based around feminist tropes like Amiri and Valerie (both oppressed by the patriarchy and subverted expectations forced upon them) in Pathfinder: Kingmaker licensed from Paizo, my love-affair with Larian would be diminished.

Originally Posted by Valerie

Originally Posted by Sordak
By your logic you cannot use any humanoid creature as a stand in for evil to create a better story.

Problem is not with human-like characters being evil, problem is with them being evil by nature rather than by choice/nurture.

I find your bias for "human-like" creatures to be problematic. Is humanoid shape a prerequisite for being worthy of the kind of moral nuance, consideration and supremacy you ascribe to humans? Isn't the next cause therefore, when you realize the slippery slope you're created for yourself, to purge every conceivable offence, to make every race and everything bland as Communism, squashing true diversity?

Sounds to me you're making it a problem cause your ideology tells you so, and frankly, probably just as much because it makes you feel good to smite others with the powers granted by said ideology haha. Narcissism role-playing as virtue is the biggest LARPG-scene ever! The gist of the matter is that you find orcs and what not, to be an analogy for black/colored people which in turn is synonymous with being oppressed/without agency and in need of protection. To my mind this is a kind of *incredibly* patronizing and racist thinking you would almost have to consider yourself an enlightened, morally superior, "anti"-racist to conceptualize.