Hear hear!
I loved DOS2, so I have abundant faith that Larian will knock this out of the park. Most of my old favorite studios are dead to me. BioWare, Blizzard, and Bethesda are each a hollow shell. Down with the letter B, ascendant is the L.
#1 - Planescape: Torment, easily. I probably don’t need to expound upon why.
In fact, if Larian makes BG4, and does it in the same mold as BG2, which is to say, following the journey of the characters but having nothing to do with the titular city: SET IT IN SIGIL. Do it. BG4 as a stealth sequel to PS:T might be too much for me to handle.
The rest of my favorites, in no particular order:
Fallout: New Vegas
Baldur’s Gate 1/2
Icewind Dale 1/2
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Dragon’s Dogma
Chrono Trigger
Fire Emblem (various entries)
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (I’ve always been the “Zelda isn’t an rpg” guy, but after that, I say give it to them)
Total War: Warhammer 1/2 (not an rpg, but I play it like one)
XCom 1/2 (also not an rpg but I have an active imagination)
Final Fantasy 7: Remake (fight me!)
I feel like I’m missing something important but I can’t put my finger on what.