Originally Posted by Sordak

The drama

Omg, you need to chill out. You are going to hurt yourself.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether or not you made the point long before I did, it was a bad argument back on page one.
If you read this: "Your whole premise is a bit of a red hearing." and see name calling, you need to be less hypersensitive and get real, dude.

I wasn't looking to join the debate. I just made my comment offering my opinion that I was satisfied with the circumstances. You came along and started talking to me. I will totally admit to being condescending. But, I didn't go looking to correct your bad arguments. You offered them, so I just threw them back at you. You have been at least as much as dick as I have been, so I don't feel badly about it.

My favorite part of your post was when you write "Hence your accusation of a fallacy is incorrect," as if you had done anything to prove that in the preceding post. I'm not going to press the point, though. You are a very bad debate partner and I am not getting anything of this, so I am going to stop talking to you now.

You win. Enjoy that.

Last edited by Warlocke; 01/07/20 03:06 PM.