Originally Posted by Danielbda
Originally Posted by SorcererVictor
Originally Posted by Wormerine

consoles are cheaper to buy and easier to manage

Completely not truth. PC's are far less expensive, hence the domination of his use on "developing world", people who say that consoles are less expensive generally don't count the fee to play online, and expensive games. BTW, Steam has regional pricing. and for a guy in Ukraine or Argentina, purchasing paying in local currency is far less expensive than paying any console game.

Completely truth. Most if not all gaming PC components are not produced locally in developing countries, and we have to pay in dollars for all of them. A good GTX video card can cost upwards of US$ 700, just imagine how much this is in Brazil. You can buy 2 PS4 for that component alone.
And granted that PC games are cheaper, but the cost difference is way smaller than the hardware's, and nowadays consoles have sales on a weekly basis. I rarely pay more than US$10~15 for a AAA game, even if I need to wait a few months for it to go on sale. Also, you have exclusives.
The cost difference only ends up dilluted if you buy tons of cheaper games on PC.

Brazil currency is suffering a lot of devaluation.And guess what, steam/GoG prices din't raised anything near the dollar rate. Also, you don't need a the best GPU to play games.

Here is Battlefield 1 on a GPU 450 which is far bellow the minimum requirement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wj3Ov1FNEg

PS : PC has exclusives too. They are just not your third person action adventure with stealth elements Nº64685165651. can you play Icewind Dale 2 on a console? ArmA 3? Gothic 2 with returning mod? Baldur's Gate 3 is not confirmed on consoles.
And my guess is that it will come at least 2 years after PC. The best RPG games are on PC. Mainly because P$4 can't run P$3 games but i can run 90s games easily on PC.