Man .....just let them finish the game before trying to tear it to pieces. Yes people have differing points of view I agree with the OP & thats Ok - but for anyone who loves D&D let them finish the game, let them take constructive feedback & work on it which they will do I'm sure.

BG 1&2 are held up in history as some of the best there's been no taking that away but they are 20 + something years old - its time for a modern D&D game - who gives a hoot if it says BG3 ...yes yes the legacy I get it but this is Larian's game & their vision.... - RTWP we've had POE 1&2 . They are trying to do something new - of course they will use some of their IP from DOS 1&2 and you'd be crazy to think they wouldn't ....I swear some people have no clue about money - developers don't have unlimited funds - Larian have a huge amount riding on this game & its success.

Im not a Larian fanboy ive not played either of the DOS games - but im a gamer for 30+ years who loves D&D and I just want to see this game succeed so we get more D&D games in development. Hopefully between BG3, Solaster Crown of the Magister & Dark Alliance we will all get at least one game we can be truly happy with. So why not get on board & make these things a success rather than slowly sending the message to all future developers that its just not worth the risk to go near D&D .....ever.....