Originally Posted by Sordak
yeah like they recently decided that they need to make a post about "tackling the racism in the depiction of orcs and drow"


if you look at a society of warlike chaotic evil apes and a society of backstabbing murderers that only gets held together by a megalomaniac god playing dark elf fortress and think "Yeah, that reminds me of Black people", then maybe the problem lis with you, not your players.

You've got to be kidding me. They're going to tackle the racism of creatures that don't even exist? The timing and response of this coinciding with what's going on right now is even worse. They're literally comparing, on some level, Black people with Orcs. What's worse is DnD allows for Black humans, so this comparison shouldn't even exist.
I feel like they should, I dunno, adhere to the lore and politics of the FANTASY world instead of injecting real world politics into it. This doesn't even reflect well on them either. This is more akin to fake outrage and pandering as though, "We're allies too, buy our product" than actually doing something to combat real world injustices.

I'll wait to see the route Larian takes, but I sincerely hope they don't intend on equivocating what's going on right now with the portrayal of fantasy races that exist in a war-based society and grow up as a product of that society.