Originally Posted by etonbears
Originally Posted by Sordak
agreed with Vic here.
it isnt depth, it constantly changes stuff around for nonsensical "a wizard did it" or "a god did it" reasons and invalidate the actual depth thats there.

I didn't really follow anything in FR past 3rd edition, but it sounds like a mess initially designed to push people to Eberron/4e which didn't work and had to be reversed with another mess for 5e ?

I wonder if any of this will actually be explained in BG3, or will it be assumed that everyone is a DnD super-nerd smile

IMHO that was more or less what it was with all of the sucession of cataclismic events, yes.

Like in any adventure or videogame based in a franchise, you only need to know about what you need for the adventure, and they usually explain it ingame. The lore easter eggs for fans of the PNP usually are there just for flavor.

I mean, you do not need to know the story of Volo,Drizzt or Elminster to figure out them when they appear in the game; but for people that know the characters beforehand it´s a nice surprise.

Originally Posted by DarkSeldarine
Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Originally Posted by Sordak
the more gods you have the less impact they have on the game.
just saying.

Not every god has to have an equal presence. It's mostly important so that religious characters like clerics, Acolytes, some Paladins and Druids, and others can choose their favourite God as Patron. This is FR, people will be mad if their favourite God is missing for at least being a Patron choice. That doesn't mean every God has to be fleshed out as a NPC.

Agreed with this. If my chosen deity doesn't have the largest impact that's fine by me, but having the choice as a Cleric of who I want to worship would add a lot to immersion and RP for me. I wouldn't be mad if all deities aren't represented, but it would probably limit the characters I created if I couldn't find a deity that it seemed like they would actually follow.

Personally I'm hoping for Eilistraee, which is probably obvious. I want as many Gods/Goddesses as we can get though, even if it's just in name, as they are a large part of the Realms, and always factor in to my decision for a character regardless of class. I love thinking of who they would follow, and what makes sense for their background and beliefs.

As I said before, Larian has the habit of include conversations with your God´s avatar ingame, It would be nice if you can have it here too, but I understand there are too many gods in this pantheon.

Another thing I have to point out is that (sadly) in 5e you do not need to have a God to cast divine spells. You can worship all of them or none, and you still receive spells. You can even be a paladin that broke his vows (and oathbreaker) and still have your usual paladin features and many more.
I hope that Larian will include god-related content , even it´s not that important in the PNP anymore.

Last edited by _Vic_; 12/07/20 01:29 AM.