It looks amazing about lights but I'm really conflicted with the idea of a button to turn everything into TB.
It looks so easy to avoid traps or ennemies with that system... I think it's gonna be so easy to start nearly every single fight with a crit in the back of moving ennemies.
I could understand a pause so you can take your time, choose the right moment and move with accuracy but here doesn't it look like a cheat ?
What do you think about it ?
I hope they'll change the field of view because we can see moving things on a way larger angle than what we saw in the gameplay videos.
I think they will balance the encounters to take advantage & disadvantages into account - agree with you this looks like a great take on the stealth system & the TB piece is just a way they are trying to bring some aspects easier in table top gameplay to a computer game - you have to applaud them for all the mechanics they are bringing into this game.